Welcome to my signature experience. 


Vitality is YOUR PATH to glowing skin, high energy, optimized performance, more joy, more success.


Let's be real about how much your health is currently holding you back.

You are a high achieving woman with a successful business & have built a beautiful life for yourself. On the surface it seems that you have it all figured out, but the one thing that is getting missed is your VITALITY

The acne that holds you back from your rebrand, the painful period that has you on the couch one week per month, the digestion that is leaving you bloated for half the day, the exhaustion that does not go away no matter how much sleep you get the night before, the stubborn weight that doesn’t budge no matter how much cardio you do, the brain fog that is making you take twice as long to complete work that is half as potent as you know it could be, the hours spent staring at your laptop wondering what tf your last thought was.

At the end of the day, you know that your health is hurting your business, impacting how you are showing up in your relationships, and depleting your joy. 

If you want to truly feel abundant in life, it comes down to your HEALTH first and foremost.

When you step into VITALITY, it will amplify every aspect of your life.

Just imagine what it would be like to wake up every morning with high energy and glowing skin, moving through your days with ideas flowing left and right, clear minded, nourished, well rested, digesting your meals easily, feeling light in your body, getting twice the amount of work done in half the time. 

We both know you do not have the time to include 3847 new wellness routines. The truth is that your healing is not going to be found in another supplement, diet, or new cardio routine - my signature framework inside Vitality has transformed over 100 women into a life of overflow with the implementation of a custom and EASY bespoke protocol, coupled with support and self-study for a comprehensive transformation that lasts.


It's time to come home.

This is FOR ME.

Clear your SKIN.


Step out of BURNOUT.


Heal your HORMONES.


This is not just another course.

This is a homecoming.

A remembrance.

An initiation.





Let me show you how good it can get.


Pay in Full



6 Month Payment Plan



12 Month Payment Plan




  • A thorough custom assessment of your exact expression & blueprint (this is a 10 page document that is sent to you upon enrollment) that ultimately creates a high-level perspective of exactly what is going on in your body. Not only will we address those top 3 symptoms that you were ready to heal yesterday - we will look at your body as a WHOLE for integrated healing that lasts.

  • 1 60 minute on-boarding call with me where we will asses exactly what is imbalanced in your body and give you a detailed healing plan that includes supplementation, lifestyle integrations, customized nutrition, and herbal support to laser focus your healing and streamline your routine for maximum success

  • 1 year access to the Restoring Eve Membership where you will receive access to the subconscious reprogramming library of EFT tapping and hypnotherapy recordings, monthly QA calls and workshops, as well as access to an amazing community of women moving through the exact same things that you are.
  • Lifetime access to my Skin Healing Course where you will learn how to *finally* heal your acne, rosacea, eczema, and more. This course is like nothing else on the internet - weaving together Chinese Medicine, Aryuveda, western medicine, and the emotional root cause of skin imbalance. This formula has healed over 100 women's skin with GLOWING success. 

  • Lifetime access to my Fertility course where you will learn both physical tools, routines, nutrition, AND emotional integrations to create space for your baby! This course has taken countless women from IVF hell to baby-on-the-way.
  • Lifetime access to my Hormone Healing course where you will learn everything A to Z about the steps necessary to move from painful periods, cysts, and ANY sign of hormonal imbalance to easy and predictable periods, intimate knowledge of your body and cycle, and a healed renewed body. This is when you will learn what it really feels like to feel AMAZING and at home in your body.
  • Lifetime access to my Burnout Recovery course which will take you from being chronically tired all day (yet wired at night), struggling through brain-fog, and stubborn weight, to HIGH ENERGY, the capacity to show up fully in any room you enter, and finally losing those stubborn 8 lbs (without cutting food groups or doing more cardio).
  • 6 bi-weekly LIVE group Q&A calls where you receive my custom coaching support on what is presenting in your body & life,  answer any questions, support you in establish new routines, and receive the accountability of a group of women with the same goals - this is where those "aha" moments will happen for your next breakthrough

  • 3 months access to a group chat for accountability, questions, and community support. The vibe me in your pocket as your virtual BFF and steak-slinging vitality fairy. Have been known to leave 5 minute voice-notes to my Vitality clients (you're my fav)

Upon purchasing, you will receive a scheduling link for our on-boarding call and my assessment form so that I can put together your custom healing blueprint in preparation.

Your custom healing blueprint coaching call can be as soon as next week, spots are filling up fast.

6 Month Payment Plan



Pay in Full




Working one on one with Rae has been everything and more! If you are considering working with Rae, I am here to tell you that she is worth every. single. penny! From our first conversation, Rae was able to make me feel heard and whole. Rae's personal experience and expertise added another dimension of healing that made all the difference. In our six months working together, Rae has equipped me with tools that I can use for the rest of my life to continuously evolve with my personal health journey. Not only did Rae shift my outlook on health, she shifted my life for the better and I am forever grateful for that. Rae is an amazing woman and her knowledge is something I truly believe that every woman would benefit from.


Making the decision to invest in my health, and work with Rae was one of the best decisions I've ever made for myself. When I first found Rae, I was struggling with painful periods, low appetite, and low energy/motivation. Rae took the time to understand my unique situation, and developed a custom 3 month plan to help regulate my hormones. After my 3 month mentorship ended, I can truly say I've never been in a better place with my hormones, and my overall health. Not only was Rae an excellent hormone coach, but she's also an amazing person, and I truly looked forward to getting to spend time with her during my sessions. If you're someone who struggles with any hormone related issues, I highly recommend working with Restoring Eve.


Rae's intimate knowledge of how the physical body and the emotional body tie together is eye opening. She helps you understand that your body is never really "broken"-- it has all it needs to heal itself and thrive. She teaches you how to integrate simple practices to create astounding shifts in healing. I came to her, telling her I don't work out, don't cook for myself, or prioritize self care. After 3 months, I wake up at 4 am to go to the gym, have more feminine energy than ever, and I am growing more intimate with all of my relationships. Rae is amazing, always getting to the root cause, and I love her dearly.